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👋 Hi, I'm McKay!

I served as a local church pastor and planter for over twenty-six years and understand the unique pain points of a preaching ministry.

For some of us, sermon stress is an ever-present emotional weight.

Every week, we're expected to craft a fresh, focused, well-organized message filled with expository acumen, theological depth, and insightful, relevant, practical application delivered with clarity and energy that keeps folks from looking at the clock.

But we also have leadership meetings, visitor follow-ups, hospital calls, counseling appointments, and more.

And most of us have families who appreciate a bit of our attention, too.

Pastors do far more than preach on Sundays. However, we don't do less.

I get it.

I also get what it's like to work on a sermon all week, only to be up at 1:00 am on Saturday night, still struggling with the message.

When I transitioned from preaching to teaching theology and homiletics in seminary, I decided to take the time to create the sermon prep and delivery system I wish I'd had thirty years ago.

Not just a system, but a system that helps pastors save time crafting focused, clear, biblical, redemptive (cross-tethered) messages that result in distinctively grace-motivated, Spirit-empowered application.

Thanks to homiletical influences like Bryan Chapell and Tim Keller, I didn't have to start from scratch. 🙂

In case you're interested, it's called the PPGR Preaching System.

By the way, I've been married to Kristy for 31 years, with whom I have three adult children, 28, 26, and 20. ‌I also hold B.A., M.Div., D.Min., and Ph.D. degrees. And when I'm not writing or teaching, I love being at home or walking the wooded, creek-crossed trails of the north Georgia mountains.

✅ My Passion

✅ Three Core Doctrines

✅ Theological Foundations