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I Am Not the Christ: Pastoral Identity in View of the Cross

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Renewal Begins with Five Words

Birthed from a combination of deep theological reflection and nearly thirty years of pastoral experience as an assistant pastor, lead pastor, and church planter who served in cities, suburbs, a farming community, and a small college town, I am Not the Christ is full of practical application that aims to give pastors renewed joy in their calling as ambassadors of grace by helping them tether all of life and ministry to the cross of the risen and reigning Jesus.

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Kind Words of Endorsement

In this wonderful volume, author and pastor McKay Caston has done something similar to what Newton did for his fellow ministers. I pray that McKay's good and faithful work will have a similar impact on you and countless others.

Scott Sauls, Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN, and author of several books, including Jesus Outside the Lines and Beautiful People Don't Just Happen

Drawing on long and varied experience, McKay Caston has written a wise, candid, and eminently readable guide to pastoral realism. There is guidance here for every pastor.

Dr. Dan Doriani, Professor of Biblical Theology at Covenant Seminary and Founder, Center of Faith and Work

I recognize my path to the poverty of self and the riches of the gospel in McKay Caston’s I Am not the Christ. The journey he describes with much personal reflection is the one that will renew the hearts of pastors and bless the hearts of those whose Savior is the only Christ.

Dr. Bryan Chapell, President Emeritus, Covenant Theological Seminary, Stated Clerk for the Presbyterian Church in America, and author of Christ-Centered Preaching

McKay is a pastor’s pastor. His willingness to dig deep and remind fellow pastors, including me, of our need for renewal as we keep our gaze upon Jesus is a true blessing as we lead our churches. I Am Not The Christ is a balm for weary pastors and a reminder of our calling. You will be encouraged as you remember why you accepted the call and will receive practical tips for continuing to run the race and shepherd your flock. This is a must read for all pastors!

Jeff Norris, Senior Pastor, Perimeter Church

Every pastor needs a coach who can help him turn the daily challenges of ministry into a laboratory for deeper growth in the gospel. McKay Caston is that coach. Most books for pastors are so spiritual that they rarely touch the ground, or so practical that they are little more than secular leadership manuals. I Am Not the Christ is not one of those books. The lessons McKay offers us were learned through the painful process of being united to Christ in his sufferings—and its beautiful counterpart, union with the joy of Christ’s resurrection. Each of us needs to experience more of that process. We need to learn from others who have endured and embraced it. We need to read, re-read, and recommend this book.

Dr. C.D. “Jimmy” Agan III, Senior Pastor, Intown Community Church, Atlanta, Georgia

Very practical insight into the life and struggles of pastoral ministry. McKay’s vulnerability is appealing as he offers wisdom gained from being an ongoing learner who knows he doesn’t have it all together. I heartily endorse this hands-on resource for anyone in pastoral ministry. 

Stu Batstone, Sonship Gospel Mentor, Serge: Grace at the Fray

About the Author

McKay Caston (DMin, PhD) served as a pastor for twenty-six years before transitioning to teach theology and homiletics, lead the Doctor of Ministry program in Gospel Renewal and Pastoral Leadership, and direct the church planting residency for Metro Atlanta Seminary. The aim of his ministry is helping people come alive to the wonder, beauty, and transforming power of God’s grace by living all of life tethered to the cross of the risen and reigning Jesus. When not writing or teaching, McKay enjoys spending time at home with his family and hiking the mountains of north Georgia.

142 pages

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