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The Essential Disposition of God Toward His Children

man and boy walking on seashore under blue sky

Below is an example of how to use the PPGR Preaching System to save time crafting focused, clear messages that are rooted in a specific text, address a problem with the human condition, tether the text and theme to the cross, and provide redemptive application that is grace-driven and Spirit-empowered.

Text: 1 Timothy 1:2

Keyword: disposition

[P] The essential disposition of the Father to his blood-bought, justified, and reconciled children is one of acceptance and delight.

As Paul says so often, "Grace and peace to you from God our Father."

[P] However, in view of my sin, I tend to think of his disposition toward me as rightfully disappointed and angry.

[G] Thankfully, the cross gets the final word, proclaiming in no uncertain terms that all legal disappointment and anger has been fully extinguished by the judicial substitution of Jesus on my behalf as an atoning sacrifice/propitiation.

[R] Father, may I be given the grace to believe by seeing myself through the lens of that cross.

Cross-Tethered Preaching is devoted to helping pastors preach the fullness of God’s grace in Jesus. Subscribe for free, weekly preaching helps.

When you’re ready to check out the complete PPGR Preaching System, feel free to get more information here.

The PPGR Preaching System