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The Priority and Progress of Preaching (VIDEO)

Below is an example of how to use the PPGR Preaching System to save time crafting focused, clear messages that are rooted in a specific text, address a problem with the human condition, tether the text and theme to the cross, and provide redemptive application that is grace-driven and Spirit-empowered.

Text: 1 Timothy 4:13-16

Keywords: prioritize and progress

[P1] According to 1 Timothy 4:13-16, Pastors are called to prioritize and make progress in their primary calling to teach and preach the Scriptures.

Like any skill, improving how to communicate the gospel will require lots of practice (reps) and may necessitate ongoing coaching and mentoring.

Even professional athletes have coaches to help them sustain progress in their craft.

[P2] Paul needed to remind Timothy of this because sometimes we neglect to prioritize and make progress in our primary calling.

The source of such neglect may be various factors, including laziness, distraction, poor planning, or the fear of man (what others "expect" you to do with your time vs what it takes to prioritize and make progress in preaching and teaching).

It may also be the pride of thinking I don't need to make much progress.

[G] Jesus shows us what it looks like to prioritize one's calling and even to make progress.

From the outset, he knew his role as the Son would be to fulfill his mission as a crucified sin-substitute, serving as the propitiation for those whom the Father had chosen before the creation of the world (Eph. 1).

As a child, he made mental, intellectual, and spiritual progress in learning the Scriptures.

In his adult ministry, he made literal progress, whereby he "set his face toward Jerusalem," where he would lay down his life for the sheep.

It is the greatest story ever lived.

[R] Pastors are charged with the privilege of telling the story by expounding the message of the gospel in every text.

This requires time to dig into the Scriptures for understanding and arrange the material in such a way that it communicates the fullness of God's grace in Christ. Prioritizing this call may mean setting aside "sacred" hours for message study and preparation.

Making progress may mean ongoing study of the craft along with personal mentoring. It may mean humbly seeking out folks who can help you discover areas for improvement.

Whatever it takes to prioritize and make progress, preaching the message of a crucified, risen, and reigning Savior is the greatest "job" in the world.

Yes, it is hard. But it's worth it.

Just like the cross was for Jesus.

Cross-Tethered Preaching is devoted to helping pastors preach the fullness of God’s grace in Jesus. Subscribe for free, weekly preaching helps.

When you’re ready to check out the complete PPGR Preaching System, feel free to get more information here.